
- #consumer_service
- #enterprise_service
- #free_service
Free Q&A service that can solve different types of problems and questions. Those who are having questions in their mind may get a lot of answers from the users who are willing to help. As 70 million people visit OKWAVE every year, there is surely someone who can answer your problems and questions.

- #enterprise_service
- #municipality
- #social issues
A Q & A community that solves the complex issues of the IoT / 5G era. With the diversification of products and services, support for usage and troubles has become more complicated than ever. With OKWAVE Plus, we will promote the solution of difficult problems at the FAQ / Support Center with the help of each other. It can also be used to solve immigration and social issues faced by local governments.

- #enterprise_service
- #free_service
The free thanks card service that conveys gratitude through the card. The service will contribute to improving employee satisfaction by giving thank you cards to show appreciation for everyday activities. At the same time, it will introduce a “new evaluation axis” that can evaluate people who have been appreciated by others, which was hard to be represented in sales results.